

The purpose of this assignment is to train you to think like a data scientist. Data science tasks often start with recognizing the problems at hand and trying to find the right dataset and analytic tools to understand and contextualize the data to tell a story.

  1. Think about one issue in your hometown or any country if you cannot find your country in the Gapminder tool.

  2. Pick one issue and explain why that is an issue.

  3. Think about possible relationships. Think about why X (independent variable) might affect Y (dependent variable) on your chart.

  4. First create a line chart showing the trends of the issue (Y) over time.

  5. Create a bubble chart showing the relationship between X (independent variable) and Y (dependent variable).

  6. Use Export to PNG function in the GapMinder tool and embed the image in your report.
  1. A good story consists of five elements:
