

The purpose of this group project is to learn how to create a basic data science report. You will need to wrangle messy data that come in a variety of format. You will also need to merge different datasets and conduct an analysis to test your hypotheses or make recommendations based on your findings. We will go through the initial three parts of your group project in class, but your group will need to work together to complete the final report.

Each group is assigned one city to complete this group session

[IMPORTANT] Please move the downloaded file to a specified project folder.
Once you downloaded the crime data for each, download the census data and the corresponding GeoJSON file.


Follow the steps in group session from the lecture 5 to replicate the same procedures using your city’s crime data. In brief, first, use the coordinate information of your crime data to create heapmaps. Second, join the census data to explore relationships among variables. Third, add the GeoJSON data to map the data by census tract.

Remember the five elements of good story telling

  • Issue at hand: What are the issues? What’s troubling the most?

  • Supporting data: For this project, you are given the crime data. Your job is to merge the the crime data with some other useful data to complete your story.

  • Relationship: What is the relationship between X and Y? Does the relationship go up or down or stay the same?

  • Interprtation: Why do you think the relationship between X and Y exists? Do some research. Read newspaper, and use your common sense and judgment to try to understand the observed relationship.

  • Summary and conclusions: Summarize what you’ve learned and draw a conclusion.

Tell your story

Continuing the group activity yesterday, choose one person to report your initial exploration that includes issue, cause and effect (hypothesis), supporting data, and maps and graphs. You don’t need to do any interpretation as of yet.